Before proceeding with your order, choose one of our three graphic assistance services to get the best possible result from your designs.
€ 5
up to 3 drawings
€ 10
up to 7 drawings In 48 hours*
Control: ✔ file size ✔ resolution ✔ colours ✔ pattern ✔ file replacement from low to high quality
€ 25
per hour In 48 hours*
✔ Everything offered in the Basic Graphic Service ✔ pattern reporting ✔ arrangement of drawings or forms
€ 40
✔ creation of files from briefing ✔ 3 file revisions ✔ exclusive design ✔ fabric scanning for pattern creation
Dichiaro di aver caricato una grafica non coperta da copyright di terzi
Non puoi caricare file superiori ai 150Mb. Scegli una nuova grafica o ridimensiona il file.