Privacy Policy

Information on the processing of personal data

With this information on the processing of personal data (“Privacy Policy“), drafted pursuant to EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter, the “Privacy Law“), Miroglio Textile S.r.l., in its capacity as autonomous data controller (“Miroglio” or the “Data Controller“), informs you that it will process the personal data you provide (“Data“), in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth below.

We also inform you that Miroglio Group has appointed a Data Protection Officer, whose contact details are as follows: Miroglio Group – Data Protection Officer, Via S. Barbara 11, 12051 – Alba (CN), Italy, email:


  1. Origin and type of data processed.

Miroglio will process the following categories of Data directly provided by you: a) personal and identification data; b) contact data; c) data relating to your purchases.

  1. Purposes of Data processing

Miroglio will process your Data for the purposes set out below:

  1. a) Online buying and selling: online buying and selling on the website (the “Site”) of printed fabrics and the provision of any other services relating to such buying and selling;
  2. b) Legal and contractual obligations: in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, also for the purpose of preventing and detecting possible abuse, offences or fraud;
  3. c) Marketing: with your consent, periodic sending of commercial, informative, promotional and/or advertising material by automated means (e-mail, web, SMS and/or MMS, telephone calls without an operator) and/or non-automated means (paper mail and telephone calls with an operator), as well as relating to market research and initiatives organised by Miroglio;
  4. d) Definition of your customer profile: with your consent, analysis of your purchases and choices, in order to better understand your selections and preferences and consequently offer you, also through automated decision-making and profiling processes, a personalised service in line with your specific needs and characteristics.

The processing of Your Data for the purposes referred to in points (a) and (b) is a necessary requirement for online purchases and sales on the Site and, consequently, if You do not give Your consent, You will not be able to register on the Site. On the contrary, the processing of Your Data for the purposes referred to in points (c) and (d) is subject to the obligation to obtain Your prior optional consent.

  1. Data processing methods

The processing and treatment of the Data shall take place within the European Union by means of manual and electronic tools, according to logics strictly related to the above-mentioned purposes, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the Data in compliance with the Privacy Law.


  1. Storage of Data

Your Data may be stored for different periods of time depending on the purpose for which they are collected and processed by Miroglio and, in any case, in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In particular:

– for the purposes set forth in paragraph 2, letters (a) and (b), the Data shall be kept for a period of time not exceeding that allowed by tax and civil law (therefore, subject to exceptions provided for by law, for a period not exceeding 10 years);

– for the purposes set forth in paragraph 2, letters (c) and (d), the Data shall be kept for the time strictly necessary for the performance of the activities therein provided for and, in any case, for a period not exceeding 2 years from the time your consent has been given or renewed.

  1. Communication of

Data may be communicated to companies belonging to the Miroglio group or to external parties who may be qualified as data processors or sub-processors, for activities strictly related to the purposes indicated above, such as, by way of example: banking services, communication and marketing services, financial services, technical and administrative help desk and logistics activities.

  1. Rights

Pursuant to the Privacy Law, you are entitled to the following rights and faculties with reference to your Data: a) the right to be informed of the purposes and methods of processing; b) access; c) updating and rectification; d) erasure, anonymisation or blocking; e) objection to processing, including objection to automated decision-making processes, including profiling; f) revocation of consent; g) portability; h) restriction of processing.
You also have the right to present a complaint with the supervisory authority.
We inform you that you may exercise your rights by contacting the Data Controller directly at the email address: or by writing to Miroglio Textile S.r.l. – TheColorSoup, Via S.Margherita 23, 12051 – Alba (CN), Italy.

  1. Amendments and updates to the Information Notice

Miroglio may amend, supplement and/or update all or part of this Information Notice, also in consideration of future changes that may affect the Privacy Policy. It is understood that any amendments, additions or updates will be communicated to you in a timely and punctual manner through the electronic or paper means deemed most appropriate by the Data Controller.

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